My life-changing experience with the spirit molecule

I’ve been hesitant about posting this for quite some time now. Not that I’m the sort of person to care what other people think. Rather, I know full well the public’s ludicrous and negative perception on any intoxicating substance. Well, any that isn’t alcohol, caffeine, nicotine or countless prescription medication. Legal drugs that come with damaging side effects and sometimes crippling addictive potential. Often more so than those in the illegal class. Regardless of my opinions, wanting to get into a journalistic profession; I did not want to harm my professional reputation. However, this is one of those things that would be criminal not to share.

DMT. Often regarded as the spirit molecule. The key to open the doors of perception. A way of taking a peek at the inner-workings of our universe. It is the active ingredient in the drink Ayahuasca, the medicine used in many shamanic rituals in the eastern world to supposedly have profound visions and heal the soul. In the west, it is extremely rare and often sought after by the likes of hippies and psychonauts alike. Although not the sort of substance you get from your local dealer, if you can get hold of it; the drug will usually be in the form of freebase DMT. A smokable medium with rapid onset and a sort duration. It’s sort of fitting in our fast paced society, condensing a profound spiritual experience into a mere ten minutes.

Image of the DMT molecular structure.

This happened quite some time ago. However, it’s the sort of experience that burns in your memory forever.

I hunch on the edge of my friends tattered and creaky sofa. It had seen better days. The television is playing “The spirit molecule” in the distance. Sort of a prepping us for the experience. Beforehand, I was eager and excited to try this after so much I had read. However, apprehension fills my core as I gaze into the hypnotic smoke filling our makeshift crack-pipe. I just sit. I stare. I can’t bring my self to inhale this smoke I’ve been waiting so long to taste. Finally, I take one last look at my friend, the reality I know and swiftly remove the lid of our pipe.

Crudely put together out of a plastic bottle and foil, the smoke begins seeping out. My heart is beating faster and faster as I fumble to get my mouth around the top. I deeply inhale, my heart just keeps racing. Faster and faster, beating out of my chest. The thin smoke pierces through my throat, as I try with all my might not to cough it back out. It tastes earthy with a hint of lavender. As I breath out an extreme feeling of panic and trepidation washes over me. “Oh no what have done.”

Image of a warping room

The colors in the room begin to drain away. Everything appears more angular and exaggerated. Every cell in my body begins buzzing and vibrating. It started slowly. A high pitched frequency suddenly builds up and consumes my hearing. Ehhhhhhhhhhhh. It’s getting louder and more intense. EHHHHHHHHHHHH. The body vibrations are getting extremely overly intense. They feel like what I can only describe as a full body orgasm. Except 100x more powerful than any orgasm you could image. It felt TOO GOOD. I am in fight or flight mode now. We went into this experience to naive. Thousands of anxious thoughts flooded my mind.

“You’ve done this time, your not coming back.”


the frequency continued…

“Why do you do this to yourself.”


It’s almost deafening now…

“I’m dying. I am literally DYING.”


The room is becoming discombobulated and drifting away. I knew now that I wasn’t coming back. I decided to face my fears. I accepted death and just let go.




Suddenly the room EXPLODES. Every piece of matter around me tears it’s self apart and reality collapses in on itself. All I can hear is what sounds like a rocket taking of. My body is shot through time and space at the speed of light as I hang onto the sides of the chair trying to ground myself to something. Anything, just to keep me in this reality. It’s too late. I’ve left this psychical world.

As I blast through the universe at warp speed I see every piece of knowledge and information known to man. It’s all happening so fast I can’t even digest any of the information. Intricate kaleidoscopes consume my vision and my ego is shattered. Time is irrelevant. Past, present and future have became one solid state. The whole universe. One vibrational wave of energy refined down to a single point.


Suddenly, there is silence. I am stopped in completely nothingness. A void of complete and utter emptiness. No color. No sound. Nothing. Is this death?  I thought about my family. Everybody that cared about me. The privileged and great life I had been given. I thought about my friend next to me in the physical world. How he would see me die. I can’t die now! I’m not ready. After I i went through this thought pattern a series of beautiful colored triangles begin falling from the nothingness. Every emotion possible envelopes my very being and I am slowly let down back into our psychical reality.

Suddenly my eyes fly open and I am back in the room. Everything has a glowing aura around it. My friend grabs my shoulder. His voice filled with excitement and wonder…

“How was it! How was it!

I stare at him as his face melts and his body is broken down into its basic molecular structure.

“Give me a minute.”



DMT: The Spirit Molecule – Rick Strassman

The Doors of Perception: And Heaven and Hell – Aldous Huxley

Pihkal: A Chemical Love Story – Alexander Shulgin

Tihkal: The Continuation – Alexander Shulgin


The spirit molecule (Full documentary)

DMT: Before and after – London Real

Terrence Mckenna – Everything you need to know about DMT

Free Resources

Erowid DMT Vault

Reddit DMT forum