Your future is pre-determined by society. How to break out of the loop

When we are young we’re told the sky is the limit. Anything is possible if you set your mind to it. We are told that your success is not reliant on race, location, social or economic status. However, as you progress through life toward the inevitable finish line, you began realizing that this is not the case.

Rich parents breed rich kids with their future already set out for them, handed on a silver platter. Poor parents raise poor kids in economically deprived areas. They end up in under resourced schools their real intelligence undermined. People from working class areas and backgrounds aren’t expected to be intelligent. Pre-determined expectations mean they are expected to be another lower-class civilian in a blue collar minimum wage job. This can be seen in our politics and media by the way in which the lower-class are constantly punished and never given a break. They will  be given the absolute minimum amount of help, all be painted with the same brush and perceived as benefit scrounging, cider drinking low lifes who are a menace to our society. This, teamed with the negative perception of the none wealthy by the media, drains the lower class of their energy, soul and motivation. trying to change their situation seems unrealistic and just not feasible.


The lower class will remain in deprived areas and brought to believe that they don’t stand a fighting chance in this world. Their children will also be painted with the same brush and expected to turn out the same way. This creates a perpetual cycle of the poor staying poor and the rich staying rich.

It’s pretty depressing but when you are in school you can pretty much predict where everybody is going to end up. Most of the time you will be right. Society has warped your perception of certain people from specific socio-economic backgrounds and created an almost cliche life path for them. These people will grow up buying into societies expectations and end up settling for less. They let go of their dreams and go for what is convenient and expected. This can be seen not just through economic status but race and gender as well. Women aren’t expected to become great. No they have to be house wives and look after the family whilst the big powerful man brings in the money. This is why their isn’t many female politicians. Many buy into the fallacy of societies pre-determined path and do what society expects.


The good news is that it is possible to break out of this twisted system and become anything you want. Not many people manage it, but it is definitely possible as we can see through many successful people who were from a background with disadvantages.  So…

How do you break out of the loop?

  1. Stop doing what the media thinks you should do – Every time you give into their tactics of marketing, fear mongering and manipulation you reinforce your compliance towards their dogma. Eventually you will become another mindless zombie in front of the television, believing everything you are presented with. Learn to look out for when you are trying to be manipulated by the media and question everything you hear or see.
  2. Turn of the T.V I say this a lot but it is very important. Like I said the media like to try and warp you to buy into you pre-set out destiny.
  3. Do what you think is right and not what others expect – Too many people don’t do things because they are worried about what other people may think. You need to stop this or you will be stuck in a rut following what society wants you to do and not what you want to do.
  4. Realize that we are all the “same” – We are brought to believe that everyone is different and their is some sort of social ladder we need to climb. With the authoritarian like society we are brought up in it’s easy to believe that some people are superior or inferior to us. You need to realize that we are all human. Made up of the same flesh and the same blood, nobodies better than anyone else. Once you realize this you will no longer be scared or feel inferior to others, allowing you to reach brave new heights.

Breaking out of this system can be very difficult due to the constant and elaborate conditioning forced upon on us throughout every aspect of our lives. From our birth to our death we are fed lies and lead to believe we are powerless. When religion stopped working as much, the media took it’s place. Be vigilant, question everything and stay free.





5 thoughts on “Your future is pre-determined by society. How to break out of the loop

  1. What an amazing write up. Society teaches us from an early age how to best delude our emotions and the truth while at the same time telling us to hold on to a dream until we reach a certain point. It’s fascinating. Thank you for sharing this.


  2. ” They let go of their dreams and go for what is convenient and expected. ” — You hit the nail on the head on this one. Most people take the path of least resistance.

    • There is a similar and also relevant quote by Bob Dylan who says “People seldom do what they believe in. They do what is convenient, then repent.” Thanks for reading!


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