The internet is the key to our evolution.

In a society where freedom of speech seems to be a privilege rather than a right, the internet is a god send. Back in the day, you would have to watch the news or god forbid, read a newspaper or book for information. This is all well and good, however back then you were stuck to whatever sources the government allowed or thought was suitable. We like to think we have freedom of speech in terms of things like books, but that’s far from the truth. I mean if you wrote a book entitled “David Cameron is a cunt.” I’m pretty sure they would have something to say about it. After all, it never matters what you have to say, rather what the rich and powerful have to say.

So before the internet we were only exposed to information that the government and media  allowed. Most opinionated content was and still is watered down as to not be controversial. The media support what ever views are in their best interest and makes them money. As a result we are left with biased information and restricting censorship. Whether we like it or not, we are conditioned to believe and perceive thing the way our country wants us to.


In comes the internet. Suddenly, an endless sea of uncensored and raw information at our fingertips. Generally speaking, the internet is anonymous. People posting content were unlike the media. They weren’t scared of how the public view them or what politicians ass their kissing. It’s an open playing field. Anything goes. Finally, people weren’t limited to society pre-conceived notions and views. They had a place to bask in unregulated knowledge and vent their controversial views.

Of cause, the powerful couldn’t stomach this. Citizens with their own opinions? There’s nothing worse. A lack of information breeds narrow-minded and stupid people. The government likes stupid people because they comply and don’t question how fucked up the system is.


You can almost sense it in the air. Politicians are scared. No longer are peopled forced to be force fed the same biased shit day in and day out. Lead to believe their own lives are so miserable, the only thing to make it better is to buy and consume. We are evolving intellectually due to the internet. The rich and powerful stay in power within this corrupt system due to a lack of intellect and self proclaimed freewill. However, if you look for it you will notice people are getting smarter. Their realizing that they’re living in a prison. You only need to browse message boards such as Reddit to see the sheer number of people beginning to take a more libertarian stance against society. Times are changing. Views are changing.

Like I said, the powers above don’t like our new found intellectual and creative freedom. We are currently treading on a digital battlefield. Governments are trying to censor the internet through various tactics such as David Camerons pornography block. Some countries such as Egypt will just out right abolish it. However, for once people are fighting back. Their are many movements and a general negative census towards regulation. People are waking up, and soon enough politicians may be fighting a losing battle. If you slavewant the human race to evolve, I urge you. Turn of the television, Fight back against censorship, don’t buy into consumerism, learn, question and discover. If we give our all against this blatant control of perception then maybe one day, we will live in a utopia rather than dystopia. A world free of censorship and consumerism where the human race can evolve and flourish.


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