Destiny: A worthy replacement for a dead franchise

After somewhat losing hope in the gaming industry, I stopped religiously playing games a long time ago. I tried to rekindle my love by buying Halo 4. This just increased my cynicism further. It wasn’t the same as it was back in the golden days. Halo 4 lacked the fun, excitement and just general epicness of it’s predecessors. After realizing Bungie  had not developed this particular Halo, I was very eager to try the Destiny beta when it came out. After all, this may be what we sacrificed the Halo franchise for.

Oh how I miss these days…

First Impressions

Okay, so once the game loads up you are presented with the character creation screen. Which, lets be honest, is pretty limited. Don’t get me wrong the textures look pretty great and I am already loving the color pallet, but there just isn’t much choice. Hopefully when the game is completed we will have more options.


You get a choice of three different races. Awoken, which are these weird blue avatar looking people, humans and Exo. Exo’s are probably the most bad ass looking of the classes. With their almost terminator like looks and piercing eyes their hard to resist. You aren’t really given any description or information about these races which I feel would of added a nice touch.


To be honest the classes are pretty standard, cliche and unimaginative. They way they look is great, and I feel they paid a lot of attention to detail. However, I couldn’t help but get that generic RPG feel from it.

First you get your tanked up power house. You know, shoot first ask questions later. The titan, although slow is all about taking damage and giving damage. Overall, this is a pretty bog-standard and boring class with nothing really that notable about it. If I were you, I would go for the Hunter or Warlock.


Next up is the Hunter. Yep you guessed it. A stealthy character who uses long range weapons. I like being a sneaky little bastard so I chose this guy. However, I found that their was little option for stealth in this game. It’s like halo in a sense that if you piss one enemy of, they all will come to eat your face. The hunter has a sub class called blade dancer which specializes in using his knife. I found great joy in lunging at enemies faces from half a mile away with my blade. A really nice and effective feature. One thing I did find however is that the Hunters special ability is way overpowered. When you activate it you are giving a hand cannon, which is generally speaking, a one hit kill. This can get extremely annoying in PVP (It didn’t stop me from using it though…)


Finally you get your standard magic sort of guy, who in destiny, is the warlock. This is a VERY fun class to use. The design is pretty nice and you get to glide around. You just feel genuinely powerful when using this character and I honestly think it is one of the best mage-like classes in a game like this to date.

intro cutscene ship Truth be told I was not expecting much after character creation. However, as soon as I heard the Halo-esque music and saw that shuttle hurdling through space, I just knew. Somehow, I just knew that this would be a game of epic proportion. The first cut-scene is extremely beautiful and cinematic. It brings back that nostalgia and wonder from the first time you ever played the long awaited Halo 3. I’m not a fan of cut-scenes you can’t skip, but why would you want to skip this. It is truly epic and a perfect start to the game.

The first mission starts classic Bungie style. Guy falls from the sky, dosen’t know who or what he his, time to shoot at some shit. Simple, but it works. This game dosen’t really let you in on much back story or plot-line, which I guess is good as it prevents intro cutscene moonexposition. However, all I really got is that I’m this guy in the future and I have to shoot at ugly stuff. FPS’s are known for weak story-lines so I’ll let Bungie of on this one.

The first mission is surprisingly pretty fun and intense. There’s no long winded tutorial, you can get straight into the action. I loved the scenery of post-apocalyptic old Russia. Also the desolate buildings you enter feel pretty sinister. The game is great at creating an atmosphere. There is darkened corridors with shadows of enemies flying past which really put you on edge.

dark corridors

When you bump into some enemies it can get pretty hectic. However, I found the controls and mechanics very fluid which added a well needed flow to the firefights, which many games don’t have. Aiming down the sights is quick and efficient, which puts an emphasize on accuracy and strives you to try and get good precise shots. The only initial qualm I had was that there was no real consequence for dying, and the game itself was pretty easy. However, in the missions there are parts with no respawn sections which can get pretty chaotic and frustrating. This adds a much need level of difficulty and skill to the game. The later missions also start to get pretty difficult as you progress, and their is the option to increase the difficulty which rewards you more XP.

Multiplayer – 9/10

After completing the first mission you now have access to you “hub” if you like. This is the place where you decide where you want to go, whether it is a mission, the social zone or PVP. I straight away went to “The tower” which is the social zone with all the other players on the server. After an epic cut scene to make up for long loading times you arrive in the MMO world.

the tower

The tower is a pretty picturesque place with beautiful scenery. You can do expressions to other players, so it is not uncommon to see various dance offs happening between users. These sort of social features bring back the fun factor which Halo 4 was severely missing. There’s not much to do in the tower at the moment other then mess around and buy items. However, I can see the MMO aspects becoming probably one of the funnest parts of the full game.


The co-op is just as fast-paced as the single player and with the option to play with other random players it can get pretty fun. I really think this is a game meant to be played with friends. With things such as loot Destiny reminds me a little of Borderlands, which too, is best played co-op. However, I was itching for more loot as so far there isn’t really much. I hope Bungie makes loot a more central part of the game later on.


Once you reach level 5 you can enter PVP known in Detiny as “The Crucible.” I found the multiplayer challenging, extremely competitive yet fair. You need to be a certain level to enter different game modes and many level advantages are removed for PVP so people don’t get an unfair advantage. The objective games are very competitive and the maps are well thought out, making people actually focus on the objective, and not just kills. I really loved the PVP and although hard, it keeps less skilled players interested by still being fun and fair.

Overall, it seems Bungie has tried to cram every type of multiplayer they could into this game. Surprisingly, they have tied it all up well, with neither too much or too little in each feature. I hope to see some more development of the MMO aspects within the tower and maybe some events and custom games to increase the fun factor.

Mechanics – 10/10

The controls and mechanics of this game, like I said are just so fluid. When in a firefight, you never really lose your flow and can really get immersed in the intensity. The health system is fair, but challenging and navigation, skill sets and just general getting around is simple and intuitive. Oh and I forgot to mention, the vehicles on this game are unbelievably fast and fun to drive.

destiny vehicles

Gameplay – 7/10

It acts like a pretty basic FPS with a very borderland-esque touch to it. The gunfights can get extremely hectic and difficult, which is fun, but can get frustrating at times. Especially when you are in a no respawn zone. The missions did start getting pretty samey with pretty much identical scenery. However, I am keeping in mind it is not complete, and I hope to see more variety in the full game. Also, playing on your own isn’t near enough as fun as multiplayer so I would recommend getting some friends before you buy it. 

Presentation – 9/10

Wow. Truly beautiful. The scenery at times is breathtaking and the graphics and color pallet used are just perfect and enticing. With a truly epic soundtrack to accompany it, the designers should really be proud of themselves.



Final Verdict

I think Bungie really nailed it this time. What I find remarkable is how they have managed to gather everything that makes a decent game and put it into one nice neat little package. If the beta is the pinnacle of the games greatness, then sure, it’s going to be a good game. However, if this is just a taster of whats to come then I have a feeling we have an iconic and incredible game in our midst.

The halo franchise may be dead and gone, but we have been offered destiny in it’s place. In my opinion it’s not that bad of a trade of. Halo was getting old anyway.



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